3D Diorama Animation
The objective for this animation project was to create a living diorama utilizing 3D space in After Effects.
Animation Storyboarding and Asset Creation
I felt initially drawn to the idea of creating a living book, being able to take the elements from a story and bring them to life by animating them.
In keeping with the story book theme it felt natural to create the assets for this animation out of pages of a book, to symbolize that these were that pages that have come “alive”.
I selected an old book and I began sketching my assets onto the pages. I kept in mind how the assets would interact with their scene and how they would move while they were on screen while creating them.
Here you can see my mood-board for this project, I felt very inspired by niche aesthetics, old library meets cottage in the woods. I felt this would afford the feeling of ethereal fantasy I was hoping for.
Final Video
I think that this diorama really captures my strengths as a designer, there is a clear vision and a visual story told. I feel that this assignment challenged me to begin thinking about design from the stand point of motion graphics but also to think about the relation the elements of my design have to one another, and the veiwer.